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Johnson Wetland Mitigation Project

The Johnson Wetland Mitigation Site will provide compensatory wetland mitigation for anticipated impacts from future transportation projects. DOWL was retained by the Montana Department of Transportation to analyze the viability…

Midtown Congestion Relief

DOWL was hired by the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to complete a Planning and Environmental Linkages Study for Midtown Anchorage. This study focused on an area surrounding…

Montana Capitol Campus ADA Improvements

…with Disabilities Act (ADA) noncompliance. The plan identified trip hazards, non-compliant pedestrian curb ramps, crosswalks, and other barriers to access. The plan presented a phased approach that consolidated improvements based…

Sheridan North / Northwest Water Projects

…also looped around the northwest corner of Sheridan and connected to a major expanding commercial area on the north side, which significantly improved water supply and fire flows. The pipeline…

Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects

…study area and the second in July 2016 for a 2,892-acre study area. Habitat mapping and a large mammal survey were also conducted in 2016. DOWL is currently under contract…

Bernhardt Creek Slide Repair

…landslide. DOWL first conducted an analysis of five alternatives. After careful analysis, the team selected a retaining wall as the preferred alternative because it presented the best combination of reasonable…

Delta Ponds Pedestrian Bridge

DOWL led the design of this unique cable-stayed pedestrian bridge; a sweeping architectural landmark that complements nearby recreational areas. It also provides a safer east/west bicycle and pedestrian crossing near…

Sweet Creek Road

…evolved into a complex 15-span bridge in order to maximize its effectiveness in preventing further landslides at the site and maintaining access. It is now the longest bridge in the…

Weaver Road Extension

…I-5 across the South Umpqua River to Old Highway 99. The project was widely supported in Douglas County because of the positive impacts it would have on the community. Today,…