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Bonneau Dam

…wildlife benefits to the Chippewa Cree Tribe (CCT). DOWL assisted the CCT in completing a comprehensive rehabilitation and enlargement that corrected the safety deficiencies while raising the dam 36 feet…

Anchorage Neighborhood Health Center

and architecture/engineering team construction phase contracts, preparation of the contractor request for proposals, construction monitoring, special inspections, materials testing, review of contractor’s baseline schedule, and regular updates. Additional services included…

Monumental Marathon

…leads the company’s survey practice from our Anchorage office, just a two-hour drive from the city of Seward, where the Mount Marathon race sends hundreds of runners up and back…

Ash Grove of Montana City Plant Expansion

DOWL provided geotechnical investigation and recommendations with associated materials testing for the proposed Ash Grove of Montana City Plant Expansion. If constructed, the project will consist of conveyor infrastructure that…

Port of Anchorage Cement Load Out Facility

Alaska Basic Industries (ABI) contracted DOWL to provide professional engineering services for a cement storage structure at the Port of Anchorage. Services included drilling and sampling two test borings to…

Nanushuk Environmental Impact Statement

DOWL developed a third-party EIS for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Oil Search Alaska’s proposed Nanushuk oil development project. The project is located on the North Slope of…

Bear Creek Greenway Trail

…Rogue Valley for non-motorized commuters and recreational users alike. The overall project includes more than 20 miles of paved trail along Bear Creek that connects the cities of Central Point,…

I-5: Willamette River Bridges (Whilamut Passage)

…massive project had to stay within the existing right-of-way which resulted in the reconstruction of the I-5 freeway and connector ramps within their current footprints. This required complex construction sequencing…

Peter Courtney Minto Island Bridge

for final design, DOWL developed an iconic 305-foot-long inclined arch cable-stayed bridge, along with 6,000 feet of trail. The completed project provides Salem commuters with a car-free connection into downtown…