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Billings 24th Street West Water Main Replacement

…Street West is the second busiest arterial street in the city, and the aging water main was undersized and in a deteriorated condition. In 2017, DOWL provided comprehensive design and

Hopkins Canal

…Canal from an open-air canal to a 48-inch pressurized pipeline. The lower 1.2-mile section of earthen canal was converted into a pipe system to prevent enough infiltration loss to meet…

DOWL COVID-19 Updates

… If you are a client, please consider paying us electronically by EFT. Banking details for electronic payments can be obtained by sending a request to In addition, we…

Big Hole River Diversion Dam and Pump Station

…related mining industry in Butte and the surrounding community. Due to its age, the facility was in poor condition and posed an imminent threat of failure or malfunction, which would…

Why is Steve Smiling?

…“I love my job again.” Steve mused. “It’s true, the pace of alternative delivery projects is fairly aggressive, but especially for progressive design-build projects, the comradery and commitment to solve…

Transportation and Structures

Building for Tomorrow Transportation and structural projects are becoming more complex as agencies face competing priorities and increased public pressure to resolve congestion, improve multi-modal connections, and deliver projects faster,…

DOWL wins big at ACEC Oregon Engineering Excellence Awards

…successfully replace these structures and keep Astoria’s vibrant waterfront commercial district functioning normally for years to come. The Engineering Excellence Awards recognize the best engineering projects in our region, so…