

Donald Oregon TGM Code Update

Through the Oregon Department of Transportation – Transportation Growth Management Program, DOWL was selected to provide zoning code updates to the City of Donald, Oregon. The code update is intended to implement recent updates to the Donald Comprehensive Plan and to address expected residential growth that would occur upon a future expansion of the city’s urban growth boundary. DOWL is currently working on Phase 1 of the project which involves completing an evaluation of the existing Donald zoning code and preparing an action plan for necessary revisions. Phase 2 will involve drafting new code language for adoption by the city.

The primary elements that will be addressed with this code update are downtown design standards, a new mixed-use zone for the downtown area, planned unit development provisions, and design standards for residential development.

DOWL is working closely with the City of Donald manager, planning commission, and stakeholders throughout the code update process. An open house community event will also be held to ensure citizen awareness and input.

The primary elements that will be addressed with this code update are downtown design standards, a new mixed-use zone for the downtown area, planned unit development provisions, and design standards for residential development.


Donald, Oregon


Pacific Northwest


City of Donald


Residential Infrastructure


Land Use Planning

Traffic Engineering