Lander Street and Utilities
DOWL was contracted by the City of Lander to provide design, bidding, and construction phase services within two areas of Lander for the reconstruction of four city streets: McDougall Street, Cliff Street, Christina Drive, and Dillon Drive. The project consisted of approximately 6,350-feet of water and sewer main replacement and street reconstruction. Street reconstruction included a new curb, gutter, and sidewalk. This included Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ramps and pedestrian bypasses at all driveways.
During the design phase, condition assessments were completed to determine whether rehabilitation was a viable option for any of the project components. Ultimately, it was determined that full reconstruction was necessary. In many locations, the existing water line was comprised of ductile iron pipe while the existing sewer line was comprised of clay tile pipe. Asphalt surfacing exhibited numerous defects and was well beyond its serviceable life. Design of water and sewer utilities included sizing to account for future growth and improvements to the overall water system. Design of the streets focused on improving drainage and designing a surfacing section that would last 20 to 30 years.
Due to the residential nature of the project, public outreach was a priority during both design and construction.
DOWL provided design, bidding, and construction phase services within two areas of Lander for the reconstruction of four city streets.
Lander, Wyoming
Mountain West
City of Lander
Construction Administration and Inspection
Survey and Mapping
Traffic Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Transportation Planning
Water Supply and Wastewater