

TIFID Wastewater Conveyance System

This project was part of an economic development package to provide municipal wastewater service to future industry in the Tax Increment Financing Industrial District (TIFID) park west of Butte.

DOWL provided the design of approximately 10,000 lineal feet of gravity sewer, two sewer lift stations, a force main pigging vault, and more than 30,000 feet of sanitary sewer force main to the Metro Wastewater Treatment Facility in Butte. The design included extensive hydraulic and transient surge analysis for the sewer force main. The pipeline route included four railroad crossings, an interstate crossing, and multiple stream and road crossings for a total of 14 horizontal jack and bore installations. Approximately 20 jurisdictional permits were required from various agencies, including the US Army Corps of Engineers, the Montana Department of Transportation, State of Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks, State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), multiple railroads, and other state and federal agencies. A portion of the project was funded through the Federal Economic Development Administration.


Butte, Montana


Mountain West






Water Supply and Wastewater