Water and Environmental Services
Expert Data Collection, Analysis, and Recommendations
DOWL’s water and environmental group understand that every successful project must consider its implications on the natural environment while accommodating the needs of our growing population. Before diving into a project, environmental specialists and water engineers undertake a thoughtful and comprehensive pre-development analysis. We consider foundational questions such as: What are the current conditions? Is there a better location? How do we protect it? What are the best long-term solutions for the community? How do we maximize its potential? Whether it’s for drainage and river systems, dams and irrigation, or water supply and wastewater systems, we have the expertise to help.
Practice Lead

Brent Farr, PE
Market Sectors

Environmental Services
Our environmental specialists understand federal, state, and local environmental regulations, have trusted relationships with agency staff, and are experts on the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and natural resources. From fast-track Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), Environmental Assessments (EA) and Categorical Exclusions (CatEx) to remote fieldwork, biological assessments, and wetland delineations, our team understands the processes, people, and regulations needed to move your project to the next stage.
- Environmental Studies
- Bird and eagle nest surveys and monitoring
- Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis
- Noxious and invasive weed surveys
- Wetland debit/credit analyses and mapping
- Wetland delineations and functional assessments
- Wetland mitigation plans and restoration monitoring
- Environmental Planning and Permitting
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation for multiple federal agencies
- Section 7 Endangered Species Act consultation
- State and local permits (varies by location)
- State or Environmental Protection Agency Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 Certification
- United States Army Corps of Engineers CWA Section 404/10 permits
- United States Fish and Wildlife Service Eagle Act permits
- Cultural Resources
- Historical/archaeological site assessments
- Memorandum of Agreements
- National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 consultation
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- Tribal consultation

Kristen Hansen

Surface Water
One drop at a time, water seems pleasant, non-threatening. But when you look at places like the Grand Canyon, carved by the power of water, communities around the world ravaged by floods, or waterways polluted by poorly managed run-off, it's evident that managing and protecting our natural waterways is serious business.
Our drainage and river systems experts are up-to-date on the latest practices, modeling software, and federal, state, and local regulations to help address your flooding and drainage issues, protect your rivers and streams, and plan for all of your water-management needs.
We don't just dabble in dams and irrigation—we are known as experts in our field. Understanding that personal safety, property, and livelihoods are at stake with nearly every project, we take this responsibility very seriously. Safety performance, and reliability are our top priorities when it comes to inspection and design. We are knowledgeable about the latest design methods, and federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to design and hazard assessment. Our mission is to give you and your stakeholders peace of mind about your project.
- Drainage and River Systems
- Precipitation analysis
- Flow measurement
- Hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) modeling (1D and 2D)
- Floodplain modeling, mapping, and permitting
- Geographic Information System (GIS) inventorying and mapping
- Bridge and culvert hydraulic design
- Scour mitigation design
- Hydraulic structure design
- Stream restoration and bank stabilization
- Fish passage design
- Coastal engineering
- Stormwater conveyance, quality treatment, and detention design
- Stormwater master planning and utility rate studies
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation and compliance monitoring
- Permitting and regulatory compliance support
- Municipal Stormwater Management Manual development
- Erosion control
- Dam Safety
- Regulatory assistance and peer review
- Risk Evaluations
- Inspections and assessments
- Investigations
- H&H studies
- Embankment design
- Spillway design
- Outlet design
- Instrumentation
- Construction administration
- Emergency response support
- Irrigation
- Asset mapping and condition assessment
- Canals and canal lining systems
- Construction administration
- Condition assessment of existing infrastructure
- Control schemes and automation
- Conveyance structures (i.e. drops, chutes, and flumes)
- Diversions, intakes, and headworks
- Electrical systems
- Emergency response support
- Fish screens, ladders, and fishways
- Flow measurement structures (i.e. long-throated flumes and weirs)
- Gates, valves, and actuators
- Modernization
- On-farm systems
- Pipelines and inverted siphons
- Protective structures (i.e. wasteways, cross-drains, and overchutes)
- Pumps and motors
- Regulating reservoirs
- Regulating structures (i.e. checks, check-drops, and headgates)
- Rehabilitation and betterment design
- Roadway and railroad crossings
- Water rights

Brad Melocik, PE, PH

Water and Wastewater
We know how to stretch your dollars and provide a complete approach to water and wastewater systems. For drinking water projects, our priorities are adequate pressure, high quality, and an easily maintained system. Meanwhile, we believe good wastewater systems are ones that you only notice during planned maintenance and construction projects.
- Master plans and Capital Improvement Plans
- Water resource planning and development
- Water conservation plans
- Wastewater reclamation and reuse
- Water treatability studies
- Water rights
- Grant applications and reporting
- Geographic Information System (GIS) inventory, mapping, and web services
- Municipal drinking water treatment
- Municipal and industrial wastewater treatment
- Water and wastewater process control
- 3D facility modeling and design
- Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and control systems
- Electrical engineering design
- Startup and commissioning services
- Sewer collection systems
- Combined sewer separation
- Water transmission and distribution systems
- Hydraulic modeling and transient analysis
- Water pump stations and sewer lift stations
- Treated water storage
- Trenchless pipe installation and rehabilitation
- Arctic water and sewer systems
- Utility rate studies

Luke Tipton, PE, WRS